Rafe Hart

Thoughts on security, privacy, and building software.

Testing for Bias in AI

23 April 2024

AI can do a lot (except write blog posts that don't put you to sleep) and it's generally agreed that it would be a bad thing if it were biased. It seems that the volume of material on the need to test for bias vastly outweighs the material on how to actually do it, so here are the results of an evening I spent going down a very interesting rabbit hole.

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Installing Golang on Kali Linux

12 June 2021

Go is an opensource programming language that is lean, mean and built for concurrency. Large numbers of hacking tools are built in this language and it is becoming the default for automation tools as well. Here is the process to get it running in Kali Linux.

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Getting Started with Kubernetes

29 April 2021

Kubernetes is getting popular fast, and for good reason. It optimizes the delivery of container workloads, allows for automatic failover, kills misbehaving pods. Here are some of the tools to get started.

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What Bug Bounties teach us about Scope

18 May 2020

Bug bounties use a dramatically more open scope of targets to find security flaws than your average pentest. And while we might still lean on pentests for compliance purposes, there is a lot of merit to hacking yourself the bug bounty way.

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Installing Golang on Kali Linux

29 March 2020

Go is an opensource programming language that is lean, mean and built for concurrency. Large numbers of hacking tools are built in this language and it is becoming the default for automation tools as well. Here is the process to get it running in Kali Linux.

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What is Privacy Engineering?

05 January 2020

If you've heard of Privacy Engineering, you know it is rising rapidly in relevance, but in my opinion, it's not truly defined yet. It's 2020, the CCPA is in effect, and with surveillance, IoT, drones, facial and other biometric recognition, cryptocurrencies and increased regulation, it's going to be a pivotal decade for tech. Early last year, the concept of Privacy Engineering started gathering traction, entering the Gartner glossary, and being pushed by industry groups like the IAPP. It's an interesting area to understand, because it's a problem not yet fully solved, and relevant to us all.

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