Rafe Hart

Thoughts on security, privacy, and building software.

Installing Node.js on Kali Linux

27 August 2017

Most of the guides I've found on how to do this are fairly involved, requiring you to build from source and install without a .dpkg, which is messy if you ever want to change your installation. Installing Node.js is the same as for Debian.

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Install Visual Studio Code on Kali Linux

16 August 2017

Anyone spending a decent amount of time in Kali is going to want a GUI code editor, and they'll probably want something a little more advanced than gedit (which is currently unmaintained as of writing). My preference is Visual Studio code.

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MySQL in Windows Subsystem for Linux

08 August 2017

I'm recording this because I haven't come across any other good explanations in my googling. If you are using WSL for web development, it's likely that you are going to want to install mysql. Unfortunately, when you run it, you start to get errors like "Can't start server Bind on TCP/IP port Address already in use". If you do get these, it's most likely because you've followed a set of instructions and skipped something in the preamble - you need to be on the latest version of windows.

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Security in Agile

20 July 2017

At least once a fortnight I find myself filling out a Request for Proposal (RFP) describing my team’s development approach, and how we secure our Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). We have a formal security framework; they’re great for filling out RFPs. When you are trying to build products in an agile format they are less so. The traditional process looks something like this.

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Windows 10 Privacy

27 March 2017

Last week in the US the FCC privacy regulations were repealed, which, amongst other things, allows ISPs to track your internet usage and sell it to third parties. It's a good time to think about privacy.

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Hardening Windows 10

03 January 2017

Security 'hardening' is the process of raising the baseline security of a device. I harden every device I use. It's not my intention to provide a hardening guide here (I've linked several good ones at the end), but I did want to go through some of the resources available if you need to do this for a group of computers (your organisation, for example).

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